Location: Brewer Park by Brewer Pond
100 Brewer Way, southern end of the park
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Large-Scale Photography Exhibit
PhotoSynthesis is a large-scale photography exhibit produced by Tree Fest Ottawa presenting the perspectives of eight people with specialized knowledge and experience related to trees.
Recreational Activities
Outdoor library and reading area, slackline, crafts and outdoor games, listening station, bird watching station, picnic tables (bring your own lunch!)
Food/Drink and other Vendors
Merry Dairy Ice Cream Sandwiches and Frozen Custard 11 am - 2 pm
Apples, apple cider and beer nuts (from Pascale's All Natural Ice Cream) as well as Bridgehead coffee and tea
Henna art by Halima Said
Open House on the Brewer Pond Restoration Project - with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
9:30 - 10:00 am
A presentation around the pond with Jennifer Lamoureux, Aquatic and Fish Habitat Biologist. The talk will provide information and highlights of how the Brewer Park Pond Restoration came to be. Why was the pond reconstructed and what are the social and ecological benefits? Who were the partners involved? What species have recolonized the newly constructed pond? What's next for the ecological restoration of the area?
Foraging with Jill Burns
9:30 - 10:30 am
As summer gently moves into fall, plants begin to move nutrients into their roots to sustain them throughout the long winter months. Traditionally fall is the time when roots and berries are harvested for food and medicine. Join Jill and together identify wild edible and medicinal plants and trees that grow around Brewer Park Pond.
Guided Walk with Tree Enthusiast and Master Tree Identifier Owen Clarkin
NEW START TIME: 10 am - 11 am
Learn about the trees around Brewer Pond. What species are they? How old are they? Are they native species or not? Owen will share his wealth of knowledge about identifying trees and share tidbits of information related to what makes trees so fascinating and incredible.
Forest Therapy Experience
11am - 12 pm with Alyssa Delle Palme (Forest Therapy Guide in Practicum)
1 pm - 2 pm and 2 pm - 3 pm: Kaia Nighingale, Certified Forest Therapy Guide
Trees are good medicine! A walk in the forest can reduce stress, boost the immune system and offer a fresh perspective on life. A Forest Therapy Guide's role is to help you access that forest medicine and wisdom. Learn more and get a taste of this practice on this walk.
Tall Tree Tales with Caitlin
10:30 am - 11:00 am and 11:30 pm - 12:00pm
Join Caitlin from Sunnyside Library to read tree and nature-themed stories for kids 0-6 years old.
Pond Exploration lead by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
10 am - 1:30 pm
Brewer Pond ecology demonstration (come net some fish, frogs and aquatic insects in the pond and learn about their habitat). All equipment will be supplied including chest waders, gloves, nets, buckets, etc. Fun and informative for all ages.
Music Performance by Just Voices
11 am - 11:30 am
Just Voices is a community oriented activist choir in Ottawa, on unceded Algonquin territory. They use their voices to celebrate life, inspire social change, and contribute to movements for social and environmental justice.
Singalong with Chris White
1 pm - 2 pm
Bring a blanket, song ideas and join musician, radio host and local talent, Chris White, for a nature-themed folk music sing-along.
Music Performance - by Christine Graves
2 pm - 2:30 pm
Enjoy an acoustic musical performance by local artist Christine Graves. Christine is a Canadian songwriter who has written from her heart for over 20 years. She has released 4 solo CD's and 2 recordings with a cappella world music group 'Malaika' from 2000-20005. She is developing her ukulele teaching skills with James Hill and lives in Ottawa.
Interactive Game with CPAWS
2: pm - 4:30 pm
What is the importance of trees for a boreal woodland caribou? Join CPAWS for an interactive game that makes the importance of trees for the survival of our iconic caribou come alive and learn how your voice can help protect them and their home. Meet Bou (a resident caribou), and learn more about the importance of our boreal trees.
Walk with Jaime Koebel from Indigenous Walks
3 pm - 4:30 pm
Join Indigenous Walks on a tour through Brewer Park's sneaky little location! On this 1.5 hour tour, you'll hear from an experienced spot talker, Simon Brascoupe, on tipis and tipi pole formations along with your guide, Jaime Koebel who will talk about Indigenous stories of little people and love medicine.