Photo: Steve Colwill
Healthy Trees - Healthy City
A Celebration of National Tree Day
Wednesday, September 21st, 2016, 6-8pm
Horticulture Building, Lansdowne Park
Admission: free, all welcome
Ottawa's trees clean our air, improve the health of our residents, beautify our communities, and improve our quality of life. You are invited to learn more by attending this event which includes displays by organizations focused on environment and healthy living and a presentation by Professor Marc Berman. His study, conducted by a team of researchers from the United States, Canada and Australia, researched the implications of an increase in urban trees in Toronto and residents feeling healthier.
The event will feature the opening of Tree Fest Ottawa's PhotoSynthesis 2 photography exhibit. Be the first to tour the exhibit!
The event is brought to you through a collaboration between Tree Fest Ottawa, the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Public Health.
For more information and to register contact: Lise Guèveremont, Planner: